1. 产品选用须知(Product selection notice):
1. HFL特别适用于VFD或其它6 脉冲整流器电源的输入端,几乎消除了谐波畸变;
HFL is especially suitable for the input of VFD or other 6-pulse rectifier
power supplies, almost eliminating harmonic distortion
2. HFL实现更优秀的THDI性能,提高电能效率,会让您的系统完全满足谐波标准
HFL achieves better THDI performance and improves power efficiency,
allowing your system to fully meet harmonic standards (IEEE-519, EN61000-3-2, etc;
3. HFL的所有电气安装和维护工作应该由具备资格的电气工程师操作,HFL和连接装置必须接地;
All electrical installation and maintenance work at the HFL should be performed by a
qualified electrical engineer, and the HFL and connection devices must be grounded
4. HFL切断电源后,需要等中间回路电容自行放电3分钟,对前后级操作前,请使用万用表确认
After the HFL is powered off, wait for the capacitor in the middle loop to discharge for
3 minutes. Before performing operations on the front and rear stages, use a multimeter
to check whether the inlet and outlet terminals of the HFL are discharged
5. HFL与负载功率匹配使用时可以获得最佳的滤波效果,功率较大的HFL可以用于功率较小的负载,
The best filtering effect can be obtained when the HFL is matched with the load power.
The HFL with higher power can be used for the load with lower power, but the filtering effect will be reduced.
6. HFL可为多台VFD供电,但总负荷不得超过 HFL 的额定功率值
The HFL can supply power to multiple VFDS, but the total load must not
exceed the rated power value of the HFL
2. 技术数据(Technical data):
2. 产品型号定义(Product model definition):
3.电气原理图(Electrical schematic diagram):
4. 典型性能曲线(Typical performance curve):
5. HFL使用前后电流波形&FFT解析对比
(Analysis and comparison of current waveforms &FFT before and after HFL use):
6. HFL选择指导:(HFL Selection Guide)
1)HFL额定电流(HFLRated current):
In order to play the optimal filtering performance of HFL, when selecting the appropriate HFL, please
select according to the load power of the inverter to determine the rated current of HFL
计算式(Calculation formula):Irms=Pload/(Urms* EM * EVFD * EHFL *√3)
电网电压(Urms): 380V
电网频率(F): 50Hz
电机功率(Pload): 160kW
电机效率(EM): 92%
变频器效率(EVFD): 95%
HFL最低效率(EHFL): 96%
According to the above calculation formula: 290A, select more than or equal to 290A harmonic
filter (HFL05-0304A4005, rated current 304A), measured results are as follows
1)电容投切用接触器(Capacitive switching contactor):
HFL filters in the case of no load, the power factor is 0, the capacitor will produce about 30% of the
lead reactive current. The delivery default shorting terminals X1/Y1/Z1 and X2/Y2/Z2 can be disconnected
in an application where the reactive current is unacceptable. In addition, it is important to consider reactive
current in the design of systems powered directly by the generator, because during no-load or low-load
reactive current can overexcite the generator so that the output voltage of the generator increases beyond
the allowable voltage values of the HFL and frequency converter. Therefore, it is necessary to use capacitive
break contactors in the generator direct supply source circuit.
Suggestion: Switch the capacitor module when the load is 10%-20%, and reinsert the capacitor at
least 30 seconds
Selection of rated current of contactor:HFL rated current above 50% (AC3 type)
HFL05-0304A4005 Select a minimum rated current of the contactor of 152A
When using a contactor to cast and cut a capacitor module, the capacitor should never
be connected at full load or disconnected at no load.
2)电流保险丝(Current fuse):
Current Rated current range of the fuse:1.8~2.5 times HFL rated current
Fxample :HFL05-0304A4H5 Select current The rated current of the fuse ranges from 547 to 760A